
Jul 17, 2017

Hei 28!

Hai guys... please say happy birthday to me.. :)


I wanna share a story about my birthday yesterday.. Yes I was born 12 July 1989. :)
I want to thank God for one year pass as a proud wife of Zainal Abidin Nasution. How great is my GOD.

Let me post my several photos of my happy day yesterday.. :)

Mulai dari "not a surprise" birthday cake... Soalnya suami ga jago sembunyiin kue yg dibelinya.. hahaha

Next from my friend, she send me dino donuts and makeup bag also with my favorite perfume from ORIFLAME!

My husband also send me Pizza Hut :)
And the last one from my collage celebrate it by martabaks hahaha :)

Well thank God for this new age... Doaku agar ulang tahun ke 29 nanti aku sudah bersama baby boy aku yang sehat dan sempurna fisiknya.. :)